Jude and the 7 Deadly Sins Series

Jude and the 7 Deadly Sins Series
5 February, 2022

Jude and the 7 Deadly Sins Series

Jude one of the four half-brothers of Jesus wrote about the End Times of the Church.

The book of Jude is the only book in the Bible given entirely to the apostasy (apostasy means: turning away from Christ)

False teachers (ungodly people) have made their way into the church, instead of sharing people the way to God; they were teaching that Christians could do whatever they liked without fear of God’s punishment. In these six examples are the 7 Deadly Sins.

Jude being very well knowledgeable of the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish literature, Jude gives us six examples from history of people who did whatever they wanted, and the punishments that they received.

But there is hope, at the end of Jude’s letter, he advises us Christians how we can succeed in spiritual warfare during the end times.


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